What happens if it snows?
The best way to find out if the school is open or closed is to look on the Caerphilly County Borough Council website.
Mr George can access this from home and will update it when there is some news.Once this has been done he will put a message on the school Twitter account @RhiwSyrDafydd
In deciding whether or not to open the school, he will need to take a number of things into account. These include: -
- The number of staff able to get safely to school
- The condition of the paths and the car parking on the school site
- Car parking is an issue here as staff cars are likley to add to congestion if parked outside school
- The ability to provide food at lunchtime
- The condition of Maesygarn Road and if it is safe for parents and staff to drive along it
The Headteacher, Mr George in consultation with Mr Jones, the Chair of Governors, will decide whether or not to close the school.
We always aim to put the decision on www.caerphilly.gov.uk by 6.30am.
As weather forecasts are not always accurate the decision to open or close will be made early each morning. However, we recognise the pressure on parents, during longer periods of severe weather I will always aim to give an indication the evening before.
We only open the school when the paths have been cleared on the school site to allow pupils to safely enter and exit the school.
Mr Gibbs-Bowen will always clear paths from Maesygarn Road to the main entrance, the large hall, to Nursery and to Reception.
The entrance to the back of the school will remain closed until the council has gritted / cleared the public footpath.
Pupils for Breakfast Club are to use the main entrance, pupils for Nursery and Reception should use their designated entrances and pupils from Year 1 to 6 should follow the cleared path from Maesygarn Road to the main hall.
If the snow does not clear during the day pupils will dismissed from these same points at the end of the school day.
Staff can only answer the phones if they can get into school. Please be aware we only have two lines and if only one person is answering the phone then the second caller will get the answer machine.
What happens if heavy snow falls whilst the school is open?
- Parents will be called and asked to collect their children
- The closure will be listed on www.caerphilly.gov.uk
- The closure will be posted on our Twitter page
When will the school reopen?
Mr George wil decide to open the school after he has managed to make the school safe.
It is for parents to decide if they can get their child to school safely. If you are unable to get your child here safely, then we strongly advise that your child remains at home.